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Books by Rev. Janice Chrysler

For the month of January, 2025 you will receive 25% off the regular purchase price of either Sally’s Closet or Make it Happen when purchased through Follow the links below.

Rev. Janice Chrysler, Author, Mindful Journey. Book - Sallys Closet

Sally’s Closet

by Rev. Janice Chrysler

Oh, the innocence of a young girl named Sally! Perhaps her story will remind you of when you were little, playing with your toys and letting your imagination run wild. Maybe you can relate to her experiences as she matures and moves through the growing pains that life can throw in her path.
What if you were like Sally and could have a closet that would hold all your memories? Would you be able to store everything, absolutely everything, in that closet? Would you want to? Is it possible to store things away and completely forget about them? Can you keep secrets without it affecting your life? Within the pages of Sally’s Closet, you will come to understand how your subconscious mind works to store all your memories and how choosing what you keep in there affects your life. Are you ready to do some closet clearing? Find out how to work through the sadness and secrets to find self-discovery.
Be the first to read this book of a young girl’s journey through sadness, secrets and self-discovery.

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Laurane B had this to say about Sally’s Closet: “A crisp and thoughtful look at how we accumulate memories and reactions over time that can burden, sadden, frighten and suppress our ability to live with unburdened thoughts. Sally’s Closet unpacks a good amount of “box” material while offering a healthy insight into ways to clear our individual spaces to allow understanding and freedom from oppressive thoughts.”

Sally’s Closet was nominated for an award!

That’s right! COVR Awards are held each year and in 2021, Sally’s Closet was among the many awesome entries for this award.  Each year COVR gives Visionary Awards to entries selected from among the best new products, electronic media, jewelry, music and books in the Mind, Body and Spirit marketplace. These awards are the only one of their kind in this industry.  For over 25* years, The COVR Visionary Awards have built a reputation as an awards program that embodies that which it is designed to celebrate – excellence.  Many thousands of people from around the world vote in these awards. 

Thank you everyone who voted for Sally’s Closet.

What better way to listen to Sally’s Closet than the book being narrated by the author? Order yours today>>>>

Audio Version

Mindful Journey would like to encourage you to believe in yourself, make this the year for positive self empowerment. You can download Sally’s Closet audio for only $5.99!  This is for a limited time. Offer ends December 31st, 2024. Now you can listen to Sally’s Closet anywhere!

Listen to Rev. Janice read chapter one of Sally’s Closet.

Make It Happen

by Rev. Janice Chrysler

Do you ever wonder where you are going in your life, if anywhere? Do you ask yourself what is my purpose to my being on this little blue planet at this moment in time? It is not uncommon to have these questions pop into our minds from time to time.  Sometimes these thoughts are only there for a brief moment, hardly noticed, like a soft summer breeze passing through. Then there are those times when your search for your purpose seems to weigh heavy on your consciousness almost consuming your every thought and breath.  What if this is your Higher Self seeking and prompting you to explore your present situation and begin discovering your soul’s journey?

What if where you are is exactly where you are meant to be at this moment in time? What if you didn’t need to know or understand every step of the way in order to fulfill your destiny? Could it be that all that is expected of you is to take one step at a time and in this way you discover who you are and what you are meant to do? Too often you can get caught up in the how, why or why not of the situation and lose sight of your purpose and your desires. You may even forget that your reality is created within you and what you see around you is unique to your soul’s growth. By accepting that you are doing the best you can at this moment in time and making the most of each day you will soon find your way and realize you have the power within to make changes through your thoughts, belief in yourself and to manifest what you desire.

Once you are sure of your purpose you will then be busy finding ways to make it happen! By letting go of limitations on how things should go you will be open to receive all the countless opportunities that are presented to you.  Many lessons in patience, compassion and understanding as well as self-acceptance and self-love are learned in this part of your journey.  By accepting that there are endless possibilities all around you and freeing your heart of past negative emotions and future worries you are then able to allow pure potentiality to be exposed and take form. It is about having faith in those things you cannot see or fully understand and then believing that your intuition and spiritual connection to Spirit and the Universe will guide you where you are to go.  Believing you are here for a reason at this moment in time and trusting the Divine will give you the directions you need when you need them will bring you through every treacherous passage.

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Christina B left this review of Make It Happen: “Very clear and concise while being full of information on letting go of fears, doubts, anxieties and opening up to receiving, expanding and growing. Includes guided meditation, steps for self-hypnosis, journal prompts to assist you on your journey. Very simple tasks that I have found to be easily incorporated into my daily routine”