With the excitement of a child about to open her birthday present, my first client of the day enters my office. Jane[1] has been looking forward to this hypnosis session with mixed emotions since we talked two weeks earlier. Making the appointment was her first step to uncovering the reasons behind her low self-esteem and a major advancement in her own self-empowerment.
For years Jane has felt unworthy to have good things in her life. Over the past year she started to read more self-help books and forced herself to attend workshops, take part in activities that she normally would avoid in an attempt to make positive changes in her life. After much reflection Jane was still mystified as to why she should feel this way about herself. Her childhood was a good one, her family supportive and to the outside world all was well. She would appear to others as a sweet, quiet woman with a generous nature; so why did she not like herself? Jane explained to me that just making the phone call to ask me questions about hypnosis was a big step for her and to admit how she felt about herself had been even more difficult.
Like many of my clients who are experiencing a hypnosis session for the first time, they come with the excitement of trying something new and perhaps a bit out there for their “normal” way of thinking and also a fear of the unknown; a fear of what I may do to them, but more often a fear of what they may discover about themselves. However, it is in this same discovery that their issues may be resolved. By uncovering the problem, we find the solution and thus dissolve the fear. So it was with Jane. She couldn't recall any event in her life that would have created this impression of herself. Today we would be doing an age regression and past life regression to see if she could put together the pieces of her past to heal the present and move forward with a positive and empowering future.
During her age regression she recalled a couple of events as a young girl of about four and five where she felt very alone. She said that was funny because she had not remembered that when not in hypnosis. Still, there was no words spoken to her or events that happened to place this feeling in such a young child. Back we went and she quickly went to a past life, many, many years ago where she lived in the middle east. She didn't know the name of the country but could tell by the climate, her clothes and the home she lived in that is was somewhere like Persia. Her family was very poor and being the eldest she was expected to help provide for the others. Her father made her prostitute herself in order to do so. This was not what she wanted and as a result was shunned by the community. As we went through this lifetime, she found herself running away and meeting a soldier, they fell in love and were married. No one knew of her past not even her new husband. She was careful never to let her guard down as she knew if anyone found out about her secret she could be killed. I had her move ahead in time and she found that her husband was killed in battle. Now she felt very alone and rejected. Eventually she died, alone and in great sorrow. It was here that Jane would need to do some healing.
While still in hypnosis I guided Jane through a self healing where she went back in time and observed this lifetime, offered forgiveness to various people involved and most importantly, gave herself the love, compassion and forgiveness that she inwardly longed for.
Wow! Jane was amazed at all of these revelations! She said in her wildest imaginings she would never have thought that one up. As we went through this life time we could easily see how her feelings of low self-esteem were planted into her cell memory. Without having been healed these emotions were carried over into this lifetime. As she entered the phase of her life where she was getting married and starting a family, her feelings of self-worth and love were being challenged. By letting go of the past and more importantly healing the past she was able to release the chains of self-doubt that were holding her back from becoming all she could be. Jane continues to grow in mind, body and spirit in order to increase her own awareness and be one with Spirit.
We all need to go within first in order to make changes in our lives. Regardless of what material things we acquire, where we live, who we live with, our job or our financial situation we will never feel contentment until we discover inner peace. Through meditation we begin this journey by becoming aware of our own breath which is the source of life. By becoming open to the oneness we have with nature, the Divine Creator and each other a new understanding of all things is born. But when there is a block in this, hypnosis can be the answer that will jumpstart our cleansing and growth by taking us deep into our own memory to unlock the mysteries of our past. Only we know what they are and only we can experience them.
If you are feeling “stuck” and truly desire to move ahead, perhaps this is the time for you to allow yourself to take a trip of a lifetime and you won't even have to leave the chair!
To book your own private session or to have Rev. Janice come to your group to hold a workshop on Journey of the Soul contact her today.
Contact Rev. Janice >>>
[1] Jane is a fictional name to protect the identity of the client