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Crones of Consciousness Present…Nurturing Spiritual Health

In celebration of International Women’s Day, the Soul Sisters come together for this FREE Zoom event. All of us, whether in our personal lives, business and work life or while on our spiritual journey need to nurture not only our physical and mental health but our spiritual well being too.

The facilitators of this discussion are:

Rev. Janice Chrysler –
Valla Reid –
Katharine Grace –
Laurane Bennett –
Rev. Darcelle Runciman –

During this one hour event we will look at:

  • What is Spiritual Health?
  • How do we define Spiritual health?
  • What happens when do don’t look after our Spiritual Health?
  • Tips on how to heal.
  • End our talk with a Spiritual Healing Meditation.
  • Time for your thoughts, questions and inputs.

Won’t you join us for the FREE event? Everyone is welcome into this sacred space where we Crones will share with you what we have learned, listen to your thoughts and come together in meditation.  How does it get any better than that?

There is no charge for this event but we would ask that you please register to obtain the  link.  The event will begin at 7 pm and we ask that you please sign in between 6:45 and 7 so we can get a full hour of time together.



Mar 08 2022


7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

More Info

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