Beyond the Chakras Workshop
This workshop offers so much to both who are new to learning about our energy centres, the Chakras, or those who are light workers and want to learn more.
We go Beyond the Chakras as we discuss:
- what the chakras are
- where they are located in and outside of our bodies
- the food, colours, sounds, and scents that affect themm
- how to be more aware of their “health”
- how to rebalance through meditation and affirmations
In addition to the above we will also take time to learn the following:
- how to use a pendulum for detecting our own or another person’s Chakras,
- balance and clearing
- how to “read” someone’s aura and chakras
- learn what Angels are associated with the Chakras
All of the above and more! You will receive a complete workbook to use during class and afterwards as a reference guide. It will beheld in Marmora at Rev. Janice’s home. Registration is required by Feb. 9th to insure your seat.