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Rev. Janice Chrysler. Mindful Journey. Becoming One with Spirit Meditation

Path to Self Discovery Class… It All Starts With a Single Step

Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small.

A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step. Lao Tzu

What a great reminder! Too often we hesitate or completely put off trying new things, taking a chance or stepping out of our comfort zone out of fear of one kind or another.  What if you could uncover that Spirit within you that can open your mind to the endless possibilities that are before you?  What if there is so much more for you to feel, see and do with your life?

During this month’s class we will:

  • dive deeper into our conscious and subconscious minds to reveal what could be holding us back from manifesting our goals.
  • learn how to unleash the traits that could be holding us hostage to the past
  • break those chains from the past
  • step forward into our future with positivity and confidence
  • see the importance of our Spiritual connection
  • discuss ways to set the wheels of our personal Spiritual Evolution in motion
  • experience a hypnosis to reset your mindset for positive growth

Too often we forget how much control we actually do have in our lives, especially our emotional and spiritual well being.  In this class we will look at our connection to Spirit and its importance in our overall wellbeing and manifestation. As with all classes you will receive notes following the workshop and should there be anything required prior to the class, an email will be sent out.  You do need to register for this class.

Life is a journey and it all starts with a single step.


Apr 21 2022


6:30 pm - 8:00 pm



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